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Name of the Faculty Name of the Publication  Title of the Publication  Organisation 
Dr. Vidhya Satish Adhyaapanam- E-newsletter Volume V, Issue II, June 2020 3 Ps of the Class of 2030  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 
Dr. Vidhya Satish Adhigam - E-newsletter  Hybrid Learning - Will This Be the Future of Our Educational System Post the Pandemic?  SIES Central Training
Ms. Rupal Vora Adhyaapanam- E-newsletter  Volume VI, Issue I, July 2021  Transition from Offline to Online Teaching- A Personal Experience  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 
Ms. Bhakti Gala, Ms. Kavitha Krishnamurthy  Adhyaapanam- E-newsletter   Volume VI, Issue I, July 2021  Achieving the 8I's  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education


Name of the Faculty  Name of the Publications  Title of the Publication  Organisation 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  Ms. How and Me Short Stories and More on Inclusion, 2019 ISBN 978-1-6473-979-1    I am Responsible for Inclusion: Early Years to Higher Education pp 357-369  Notion Press, Chennai 
Ms. Bhakti Gala  Decoding SDG in Classroom - A Teacher's Handbook - Lesson Plans on SDGs, published in Aarahat Publication and Aarahat journal's August 2019. ISBN no. 978-81-938642-1-0  SDGs: Decent Work and Economic Growth,  SDG#9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure   The Alumni association of MES's Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur  
Dr. Vidhya Satish, Ms. Bhakti Gala   AMUIERAJ -  Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal.  January 2020 - February 2020 Vol. IX Issue I, Peer Reviewed, SJIF Impact Factor 6.236 ISSN: 2278-5655  Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of a Flagship Teacher Training Program by Tech Mahindra Foundation and SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education  AMIERAJ - Conference Publication 
Ms. Rupal Vora   AMUIERAJ -  Aarhat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal.  January 2020 - February 2020 Vol. IX Issue I.  Domestic Violence - The Indian Scenario  AMIERAJ - Conference Publication 
Ms. Rupal Vora  Adhyaapanam- E-newsletter  Volume V, Issue I, April 2019-November 2019  Domestic Violence - An Eye Opener  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  AECED Engage Volume 5 Issue 1 2019-20  The Child in the 21st Century - Co-editor  Association for Early Childhood Education and Development (AECED) 

2018 - 2019

Name of the Faculty  Name of the Publication  Title of the Publication  Organisation 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  Adhyaapanam - E-newsletter, Vol.4 Issue 1 January to April 2019  Choosing the Right technology today: An Educator's Tool kit   SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education, Sion (W), Mumbai 
Ms. Lakshmi    Shivakumar  Adhyaapanam - E-newsletter , Vol.4 Issue 1 January to April 2019  The Information Hub  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education, Sion (W), Mumbai 
Dr. Vidhya Satish & Ms. Rashmi Pradhan  Ajanta- Volume VIII, Issue -1- January - March -2019, Ajanta - ISSN 2277-5730-IMPACT FACTOR -5.5.  Diversity and Inclusion through a 6 E Approach: Practices Adopted to Empower Pre-service and In-Service Teachers  National Conference on Diversity and Inclusion on 18th of February 2019 at SIES College of Commerce & Economics, Sion (E), Mumbai. 
Ms. Rupal Vora  Ajanta- Volume VIII, Issue -1- January - March -2019, Ajanta - ISSN 2277-5730-IMPACT FACTOR -5.5.  Multicultural Counselling: Need of the Hour  National Conference on Diversity and Inclusion on 18th of February 2019 at SIES College of Commerce & Economics, Sion (E), Mumbai. 
Dr. Vidhya Satish   AECED Engage - e-newsletter, Volume 4 Issue 1: 2018-19  Curriculum Matters - Once upon a time  Association for Early Childhood Education and Development 
Dr. Vidhya Satish & Ms. Rupal Vora  Ajanta Peer reviewed and UGC listed journal No. 40776. Impact factor 5.5.  Attitudes and perceptions of educators in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai with regard to the Usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Urban Indian Classrooms  International Seminar on 'Preparing Learners for Changing Global Trends in Education' on 19th of  November 2018 at St. Teresa's Institute of Education, S. V. Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  Adhigam - E-newsletter  Quality in Education - An Overview of the Indicators  SIES Central Training 
Dr. Vidhya Satish   Quality - Striving for Excellence/Capacity building in School Education/National Centre for Quality Management NCQM, Vol. VI No. 2 April - June 2018   Capacity building in School Education  National Centre for Quality Management NCQM 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  Adhyaapanam - E-newsletter, Vol.3 Issue January to April 2018  A Parental Guide to Understanding the A, B, Cs of Discipline  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 
Ms. Vinita Nadkarni  Adhyaapanam - E-newsletter, Vol.3 Issue January to April 2018  Little Jack Horner sat in a Corner  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 
Ms. Rashmi Pradhan  Adhyaapanam - E-newsletter, Vol.3 Issue January to April 2018  Guiding children to be disciplined  SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education 

2017 - 2018

Name of the Faculty  Name of the Publication  Title of the Publication  Organisation 
Dr. Vidhya Satish    Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies Special Issue July -  Sept 2017, Vol.6. Issue 33, Impact Factor SJIF 2016= 6.177, Online ISSN 2278 -8808, Printed ISSN 2319-4766, Amitesh Publication and Company, Pune  Changing Contexts in Teacher Education: ICT as a Pedagogical Tool for Professional Development & Academic Support of Pre-Service & In Service Teachers   St. Teresa's Institute of Education, S. V. Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai 
Dr. Vidhya Satish  &  Ms. Rupal Vora  Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies , Special Issue July -  Sept 2017, Vol.6. Issue 33, Impact Factor SJIF 2016= 6.177, Online ISSN 2278 -8808, Printed ISSN 2319-4766, Amitesh Publication and Company, Pune Innovations in Counselling Education  St. Teresa's Institute of Education, S. V. Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai
Dr. Vidhya Satish & Ms. Rupal Vora  Proceedings of International Seminar on Creative Curriculum for Nurturing the Young Children published by Aarhat Publication &Aarhat Journal , ISBN No. 978-81-933440-0-2  The Making of a Socially Sensitive teacher - Best Practices Adopted at SIES Institute of Comprehensive Education  Organized by the Mumbai Autonomous Board for Early Childhood Education (MABECE) 
Dr. Vidhya Satish &  Ms. Rashmi Pradhan  Proceedings of the International Conference on "Recent Trends in Environment, Technology & Economy' SWAZAYAS 2017, ISBN NO. 978-81-933083, Published by Sharayu Prakashan  Achieving Validity in the Teaching of Environmental Studies: A Preservice Teacher Training Module  Organized by the SIES (Nerul) College of Arts, Science & Commerce in association with Bombay Natural History Society  
Dr. Vidhya Satish   Proceedings of the Two-Day National Seminar on Indian Music Cultural and Philosophical Perspectives, ISBN No. 978-81-934533-0-8, Published by SIES ASCS and Sri ShanmukanandaBharatiya Sangeeta Vidyalaya  The Role of Music and Movement in Preservice Teacher Training  Organized by the SIES College of Arts, Science  and Commerce, Sion (W), Mumbai 
Ms. Rashmi Pradhan  NCQM Newsletter   Article on Quality in Education  NCQM 
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